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Bringing light and sound into harmony galactic breakthrough during summer solstice 2012 Lemurian gateway, blessing for the new Earth Made and left in Jerusalem during my stay Made in Jericho -the new world- Rebirth from the heart, end of 2012
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sacred language Stabilisation of the earth Synchronizing time-lines Synchronizing with the galactic shift, the butterfly of transformation touching the Hunab Ku, end 2012 The angelic harp music gives the golden frequency to the four elements The blue whale breaking through the golden gate
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The book with the golden letters of wisdom unlocked The crowning of the tree of life protecting the earth The etheric Golden Gate, entrance to the New Jerusalem, 29.2.2012 The eye of the Whale into infinity The frequency of the bee-sound for the new times The galactic centre connecting with the star-constellation Cygnus and Chitzen Itza
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The gold of the New Jerusalem (liberation day ) The golden scarabee giving life to the new Earth The meeting of the staff and the olive-branch in the golden city The menorah bringing in the golden light for heaven and earth during solar-eclips The red fire-dragon merging with the blue-white whale preparing the golden Era (solar éclips) The two-legged Mermaid and the blue Dragon
The whale, master of the codes of light is connecting with the Cup, guarded by the lion of Judah          


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